For employees

Benefits for Astria Crewing Ltd. employees.

The relationship of Astria Crewing Ltd. and her employees focusses on:

personal contact, trust, good communication.

We are working with many ship owners, shipping companies and partners. This means that we have a wide range of vacancies and multiple options for our employees, like a:

  • Range of vessel types (for example: Container, Tankers, Dry Cargo, Passenger)
  • Range of sailing areas (for example: ARA, Rhine, Danube)
  • Range of sailing systems (for example: 14/14, 21/21, 30/30) free time will be paid.
  • Multiple crew nationalities (EU)

If you would like to find out more about what we can do for you, please complete the application form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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